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Tag: johannesburg

1000Hz Ballasts now available for F1.8k Faceted Par


Southern Lighting Solutions is pleased to announce that the Filmgear F1,8k Daylight Par Faceted fixtures, in their rental fleet, now come with an 1000Hz, high speed Electronic Ballast.
The Filmgear F1.8k has a specially designed faceted reflector and boasts the latest tech.
It is an asset on any set.
Each fixture in the faceted par range has a colour temperature of 5600K and an operating range of +45º ~ 0º ~ -45º. Accessories include lamp head to ballast cable of 15 meters, 4-leaf rotatable barn door, set of 4 Scrims (full single, full double, half single, half double), scrim bag, safety cable, safety wire and spillring.
Contact us now for more information on rentals


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Year, Filter, Typhoon.

Southern Lighting proud to be part of The Grand Tour

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image from: @thegrandtour on

Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May are heading back to the small screen.

The trio kicked off filming the first episode of their new motoring show just outside of Johannesburg and Southern Lighting Solutions was proud to be a part of it.

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At the invitation of Panalux South Africa, we were delighted to join them to supply specialised lighting for the debut of The Grand Tour, which was filmed this past weekend.

Although a lot of the specifics of the show have been shrouded in secrecy, the team did take the time to share a few snapshots of their debut on Twitter:

“Some people came to see our first ever Grand Tour show today. God, I love Johannesburg.” – Jeremy Clarkson.

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“The work simply never stops on The Grand Tour” – Jeremy Clarkson

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image from: @ RichardHammond on

“So, today we opened our new office. In South Africa this week. Next week … ?” – Richard Hammond.

Despite the challenging timeframe, large amount of equipment required, as well as the remote location, this amazing show went off without a hitch. This proves once again that Southern Lighting Solutions is your go-to lighting specialist which can assist with YOUR production.